Education is a broad definition referring to any act or experience which has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of a person. In a technical sense, education reform can be construed to mean the process by which society transmits and develops its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from generation to generation. Throughout the course of history, the meaning of education and its preferred methods have changed as a result of debates happening over what kind of content or experiences produce an educated individual or an educated society. Educational reforms can be implemented by individual educators, a school organisation or it may also happen through curriculum changes resulting from performance evaluations.
The modern notion of education reform began with the spread of compulsory education or organized schooling, which is a period of educational attendance required of everyone and is provided by the government. Education is mandatory between certain ages and/or up to a specified level. In the current world, the unprecedented growth of the economy as well as the democratization of nations have made governments realize the importance of making sure that everyone has equal access to high quality and effective education. Modern education reforms have been increasingly driven from a growing understanding of what techniques or process work in education and how best to go about successfully improving teaching methods and the ability of children to learn in schools. Below are some of the current issues tied to education reform which are still a source of debate:
- The length of the school day or school year
- Whether to engage in after-school tutoring and to what extent
- Charter schools, choice of schools, or school vouchers
- Class sizes
- Improving teacher quality
- Access to educational technology for schools
- Tracking and reducing drop-out rate
- Tracking and reducing absenteeism